None |
[July 1893] |
Calligraphy |
Pencil, ink |
Paper |
18 staves, no maker's
mark, upright format, no watermark, 345 x 270 (r =
281) |
Manuscript structure and collation |
1 fol.: |
1r1–2 |
unidentified bars, [4/4], no key signature, but possibly
C major, ink |
1r3–4 |
Initial bar
line, ink, but otherwise blank |
1r5–7 |
Eleven or
twelve unidentified bars, [3/8], no key signature, but
possibly A major; possibly related to movements 2 or 3;
stave 6:
melodic line, ink; stave 5: countermelody, pencil; stave
7: blank |
1r8–11 |
unidentified bars, [3/8], bb. 1–8 in ink, bb. 9–11 in
pencil, no key signature |
1r12–15 |
unidentified bars, [3/8], no key signature; not
obviously a continuation of the previous system |
Blank |
1v1–3 |
unidentified bars, pencil; possibly a discarded version
of bb. 281ff. |
1v4 |
blank |
1v5–6 |
unidentified bar, pencil; one bar (=2nd movement, b.
202), an insert to the next system, ink |
1v7–9 |
Five bars,
bb. 196–201; five bars, ≈bb. 203–8, pencil |
1v10–11 |
Four bars,
≈bb. 209, 211–13, pencil |
1v12–14 |
Nine bars, ≈bb. 235–43, pencil (last bar
deleted in ink) |
1v15 |
One bar, ≈b.
243, ink |
1v16 |
One bar, ≈b.
244, ink |
1v17–18 |
Blank |
Provenance |
Offered for sale at
Christie’s, London, 7 December 1988, lot 238;
although not illustrated, and poorly described, item 91
in the Hans Schneider catalogue 323 (1991) appears to have been
this sketch leaf; acquired by Helmut Nanz; offered for sale at Sotheby's, 22
May 2018, sale L18415, lot 15. |
Facsimiles |
A colour facsimile of fol. 1r is reproduced
in the Sotheby's catalogue; fol. 1v is partially reproduced in
the 1988 Christie's catalogue (the blank stave, 18, is omitted) |
Select Bibliography |
Christie's catalogue, London, 7 December 1988, lot 238;
Hans Schneider Catalogue 323 (1991), item 91; Sotheby's
catalogue L18415, lot 15. |
Notes |
The order of description does not necessarily imply order of
composition, and the sketches on [1v] may have been
the earliest notations on the sheet.
Natalie Bauer-Lechner records Mahler's work on the movement
while at Steinbach am Attersee in July-August 1893 (NBL,
NBLE, 29):
„Sind das zwei wunderschöne Themen,
die ich heute aus der Skizze zum Andante meiner
Zweiten Symphonie aufgegriffen habe, das ich ebenso
wie das Scherzo mit Gottes Hilfe hier zu vollenden
hoffe" sagte Mahler...Mahler hat sein Andante in
sieben Tagen vollendet... |
'Here are two marvellous themes' said Mahler 'that I picked up
today from the sketch for the Andante of my Second Symphony.
With God's help, I hope to finish both it and the Scherzo while
I'm here....Mahler finished his Andante in seven days.... |
The orchestral draft of the Scherzo (OD3)
was completed on 16 July 1893 and that of the Andante (OD2)
on 30 July 1893. |