Polka mit
einem Trauermarsch als Einleitung [1867–1868]
Our knowledge of this work,
the first he wrote down, stems entirely
from Natalie Bauer-Lechner's records of her conversations with
Mahler in the summer of 1896. The passage in question was not
included in the original edition of her book (NBL)
and was first published only in 1984 (NBL2,
In unseren Schwatzstunden erzählte
mir Gustav manches aus seiner Kindheit. Das erste,
was er mit 6 Jahren komponierte und zu Papier
brachte, war eine Polka, wozu er einen Trauermarsch
als Einleitung schrieb. Er tat es auf das
Versprechen seiner Mutter, 2 Kronen dafür zu
bekommen, woran aber noch ganz besonders die
Bedingung geknüpft war, es dürfe das Papier nicht
verklext sein. (Im Klexen war unser Gustav nämlich
groß!) Er betete daher, ehe er an die Arbeit ging,
zu Gott, daß er ihn keinen Patzen machen lasse und
war nun überzeugt, Gott werde ihn davor bewahren. So
tunkte er die Feder höchst herzhaft und ohne jede
Vorsicht ein – hatte ohnedies ein
Sicherheits-Tintenzeug zur Vermeidung der ärgsten
Schäden – aber, o weh, bei den allerersten Noten
schon fiel ein Riesenpatzen, daß das schöne Papier
und alle Vorbereitungen zum Anfang vertan waren, und
der kleine Schmierfink von Neuem beginnen mußte.
„Mein Gottesglauben aber erlitt damit einen
erheblichen Stoß", schloß Gustav lachend. |
In our hours of chat Mahler told me a
lot about his childhood. The first [thing] he
composed and committed to paper, at the age of six,
was a Polka for which he wrote a funeral march as an
introduction. He did it to earn 2 Kronen on a
promise from his mother – to which the condition was
very specifically attached that the paper should not
be blotted. (Our Gustav was very good at blotting!)
Before he started work he therefore prayed to God
that He would not allow him to make any blots, and
was convinced God would protect him from that. He
thus dipped his pen very boldly and – having
moreover [chosen] an indelible ink – without any
precaution for the avoidance of the worst
mischief. But, oh dear, at the very last notes a
giant blot fell, so the beautiful paper and all the
efforts from the start were wasted, and the little
blotter had to start all over again. Laughing,
Mahler concluded ‘with that my belief in God
suffered a considerable blow.’ |
This juxtaposition of funeral march and popular dance is
striking, and also prefigures the role of marches and dances in
Mahler early pianistic repertoire as documented in two slightly
later and unrelated accounts of the young Mahler's participation
in domestic music making in Iglau (see below).
Hymn [1870]
The reference to this work
was kindly drawn to my attention by Michael Bosworth. It appears
in a second-hand account of Mahler's early musical development
published by Dr O. Schiften in the Neues Wiener Journal
13 March 1930, based on information provided by his aunt,
Franziska Rinold (née Weis) who lived with her parents, Emil and
Franziska Weis, in Iglau during Mahler's childhood years:
...So kam Gustl zu dem damaligen
Theaterkapellmeister von Iglau mit namen Viktorin.
Bei diesem lernte er Klavier spielen und vermutlich
auch Harmonielehre und machte ganz kolossale
Fortschritte. Bald fing er zu komponieren an (etwa
sieben bis acht Jahre alt) und komponierte unter
anderem auch eine Hymne, die Gustl zu Ehren des
damaligen Bürgermeisters von Iglau Loipold v.
Lövenfeld, der auch eine Buchhandlung in Iglau besaß,
in einer Pause im Theater auf einem von meiner
Großmutter beigestellten neuen Flügel einer Wiener
Firma spielte. Ich glaube, das war wohl das erste
öffentliche Auftreten Gustav Mahlers und sein erster
Applaus. Auch im Hause meiner Großeltern spielte
Mahler jun. viel auf dem neuen Flügel, wobei er
nicht nur Märsche und Tänze, sondern auch classische
Musik spielte und viel improvisierte.
... Thus Gustl went to the then
conductor of theatre music at Iglau by the name of
Viktorin. With him he learned to play the piano and
probably also harmony, and made tremendous progress.
He soon began to compose (around seven to eight
years old) and composed, among other things, a hymn
that Gustl played in honour of the then mayor of
Iglau, Loipold v. Lövenfeld,² who also owned a
bookstore in Iglau, played during an interval in the
theatre on a new grand piano provided by my
grandmother from a Viennese company.³ I think that
was Gustav Mahler's first public appearance and his
first ovation. Mahler junior also often played on
the new piano in my grandparents' house, where he
performed not only marches and dances, but also
classical music and improvised a lot. |
Leupold von Löwenthal had opened a
bookshop in Iglau in 1833. On 1 January 1867 his Buch-,
Kunst-, Musikalien-Handlung und Leihbibliothek was taken
over by his son-in-law, Carl Lehmann, under whose name
it continued to trade:⁴ it
was presumably from this shop that Mahler bought printed music
and manuscript paper.
Franz Viktorin (Victorin), identified
as one of Mahler's early
teachers, was listed as Kapellmeister at the Iglau
Stadttheater in the 1865, 1866 and 1868 issues of the
Deutsche Bühnen-Almanach: over the next decade he moved to
other relatively modest theatres in Budweis, Krakau, Bielitz and
Pest.⁵ His successor
as Mahler's music tutor was presumably W. Pressburg,
who was publicly thanked by Bernhard Mahler in a notice
published in Der Vermittler in 1870.⁶
Marches and Polkas [1870–1873]
Interestingly Frau Rinold
also recalled Mahler playing marches and dances at her family
home, and this compliments a diary entry (March
1873) by Emma Fischer née Deutsch, which reports him
visiting her family and playing, among other items, marches and
polkas of his own composition.

Fig. 1
Leupold von Löwenthal |
Unidentified early
piano works [before September 1875]
In a passage not included
in the first edition of her collection of memories of Mahler,
Natalie Bauer-Lechner records Mahler talking about his earliest
works dating from after the composition of
Die Türken and before his acceptance at the Vienna
Conservatoire (NBL2,
Später komponierte ich dann schon
fleißiger aus eigenem Antrieb: eine
Klavier-Violin-Sonate, eine Nocturne für Cello; für
das Klavier alles mögliche, und endlich eine Oper,
zu der eine Schulkollege den Text mit mir schrieb.
Auf Grund dieses Bruchstückes (denn ich kam nie dazu,
sie zu vollebden) wurde ich später am Wiener
Konservatorium von Hellmesberger (diesem Schaf) mit
Überspringen von Harmonielehre und Kontrapunkt zu
meinem größten Schaden in die Kompositions-Klasse
aufgenommen. |
Later I certainly composed more
diligently on my own initiative: a
piano-violin sonata,
a nocturne for cello; everything possible for
the piano, and finally an
opera for which a school colleague wrote the
text with me. Later, on account of this fragment
(for I was never able to finish it), at the Vienna
Conservatoire, to my great disadvantage, I was
allowed by Hellmesberger (that dolt) to join the
composition class having skipped harmony and
counterpoint. |
Later references to early piano works
by Mahler appear in
three accounts of Mahler's visit to Vienna (or Baden) to seek
the advice of Julius Epstein about a possible musical career.
The earliest to appear, along with transcriptions of two
letters from Mahler (28 August 1875 (GMB2a,
no.1); 6 September 1877 (GMB2a,
no.4)), was published by Gustav Schwarz in the Neues Wiener
Journal on 6 August 1905.⁷ Schwarz was an estate manager near Ronow and Morawan in the Časlau
region, where Mahler spent some time during the summer holidays
in 1875. Schwarz had been told that Mahler was a formidable
sight-reader by a Herr Steiner (possibly Ignaz Steiner, the
father of Mahler's childhood friend, Josef Steiner (HLG1, 842,
fn. 3)), and having heard him play, he advised him to study
music. Clearly Bernhard Mahler had doubts about this career
path, and so on 28 August 1875 Mahler wrote Schwarz to enlist
his support in the ensuing family discussions (GMB2, 3;
[...ich kann nur hinzusetzen, daß es
noch einen kleinen Kampf kosten wird, den l. Vater
zur Übereinstimmung mit uns in Betreff unseres
Projektes zu bewegen, obwohl er freilich sich schon
ziemlich zu unserer Seite hinneight; doch ist er
noch immer nicht eins mit sich....Der l. Vater
fürchtet bald, daß ich mein Studium vernachlässigen
oder unterbrechen würde, bald wieder, daß ich durch
schlechten Umgang in Wien verdorben werden könnte;
und wenn er auch, wie es mir scheint, sich zu
unserer Seite hinneigt, so müssen Sie doch bedenken,
daß ich im Kampfe gegen die Übermacht so vieler „verständiger
. gesetzter Leute” ganz allein auf mich angewiesen
bin. |
...I can only add that it will still
be something of a struggle to induce my dear father
to agree to our plan. He is showing signs of coming
over to our side, but he is still not quite won
over....My dear father has two fears: one, that I
might neglect or interrupt my studies, and the
other, that I might be ruined by getting into bad
company in Vienna; and even when he seems to
be inclined to our side you must remember that I am
entirely alone and have only myself to rely on in my
struggle against the superior power of so many
'reasonable and mature people'. |
The crucial conference probably took place on
4 September and a few days later Mahler travelled to Vienna to
meet Julius Epstein (1832–1926), then a piano teacher at the
Konservatorium der Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde. According to
Schwarz's account it was he who accompanied the teenager (KBM,
KBME, 151):
Herr Schwarz traf püktlich mit dem
jungen Mahler zusammen, sie fuhren nach Wien und
hier suchten sie sofort Professor Epstein auf. Der
Professor wohnte aber in Baden und Herr Schwarz fuhr
mit seinem Schützling dahin, um den jungen Menschen
sogleich fachmännisch beurteilen zu lassen. „Ich
erkannte sofort die eminente Begabung Mahlers,”
sagte Herr Schwarz „als ich zu Professor
Epstein kam, war er gar nicht entzückt, das
Klavierspiel Mahlers imponierte ihm nicht. Erst als
Mahler eigene Kompositionen zum besten gab, wurde
Epstein warm, erklärte ein über das andermal, die
Sachen seien direkt ‚wagnerisch’und fragte mich,
warum ich ihn denn nicht telegraphisch nach Wien
berfufen habe.” |
Herr Schwarz met young Mahler as
agreed, and they made the journey to Vienna, where
they immediately called on Professor Epstein. But
the Professor was then living out at Baden, so Herr
Schwarz took his protégé there in order to get an
expert opinion of him without delay. 'I recognized
Mahler's outstanding gifts at one,' said Herr
Schwarz; 'but when I came to Professor Epstein, I
found him anything but delighted, for Mahler's piano
playing did not impress him at all. It was only when
Mahler played him some of his own compositions that
Epstein showed any enthusiasm and said over and over
again that there were in direct descent from Wagner,
and asked me why I had not sent him a telegramme
asking him to come to Vienna.' |
This account does not quite agree with Epstein's own
memories of his first meeting with Mahler, recorded in an
interview for the Neues Wiener Journal on the day of
Mahler's death⁸
(KBM, 149;
KBME, 151):
„Ich weiß mich noch sehr gut des
Tages zu erinnern — erzählte Professor Eptein —, an
dem der Vater Gustav Mahlers zu mir ins
Konservatorium kam, sich mir als Herr Mahler aus
Iglau vorstellte und mich bat, seinen Sohn zu prüfen,
ob er Talent genug hätte, sich der Musik zu widmen.
Ich fragte den Vater, ob der junge Mann — Gustav
Mahler war damals kaum fünzehn Jahre alt —
begeisterung genug für die Musik zeige, worauf mir
Herr Mahler sagte: ‚Gewiß. Ich aber möchte, daß er
die Handelsakademie in Wien besucht, um später
einmal meine Spiritusfabrik zu übernehmen.’ ,Ich
soll also über seine Zukunft entscheiden', sagte ich.
,Das ist eine Gewissenssache und nicht so leicht als
Sie glauben. Nun, ich werde es versuchen.' Ich
forderte Mahler auf, sich ans Klavier zu setzen, um
mir etwas vorzuspielen. Er hatte damals schon
Verschiedenes komponiert, wie er sagte, ohne vorher
Studien gemacht zu haben, und ich ersuchte ihn, mir
eine seiner Kompositionen vorzutragen. Ich ließ ihn
kaum wenige Minuten spielen; die Komposition war
unfertig, und er hat sie später selbst vernichtet.
Aber ich empfand sofort, daß ich den geborenen
Musiker vor mir hatte. Das sagte ich auch dem Vater
und setzte hinzu: ,Der wird Ihre Fabrik nicht
übernehmen.' Kurz darauf wurde Mahler Schüler des
Wiener Konservatoriums, nahm Klavierunterricht bei
mir und studierte Theorie bei Professor Krenn...” |
'I very well remember the day,'
said Professor Epstein, 'when Gustav Mahler's father
came to see me at the Conservatoire, introduced
himself as Herr Mahler from Iglau, and asked me to
examine his son; he wanted to know whether the boy
had enough talent to make music his career. I asked
the father if the young man — Gustav Mahler was then
barely fifteen — had shown enough enthusiasm for
music. "He certainly has," Herr Mahler replied. "But
I would rather he went to the Commercial School in
Vienna so that he can take over my distillery later
on." "That is as much as to say that you want me to
decide his future," I said, "and that is a matter of
conscience, and not as easy as you seem to think.
Well, I'll do what I can." I asked Mahler to sit
down at the piano and play me something. He had
already composed several things, so he said, without
any previous training, and I asked him to play me
one of his own compositions. I let him play for only
a few minutes; the composition was immature, and
later on he destroyed it himself. But I realized
immediately that I was in the presence of a born
musician. I told his father so and added, "That
young man will never take over your distillery."
Mahler became a pupil at the Vienna Conservatoire
soon afterwards, where he was taught the piano by
myself and theory by Professor Krenn ...' |
Epstein gave another account of the consultation to the
Illustriertes Wiener Extrablatt⁹ which is broadly
similar, and (unlike his other account) confirms Schwarz's
memory that the meeting took place in Baden, though again it
mentions only Bernhard Mahler. In fact, the research of
Alfred Rosenzweig, undertaken at least seventy years ago,
appears to establish conclusively that both men accompanied
the teenager to Vienna (ARGM,
Mahler played Epstein some of his own music,
but whether it was piano music as such is not clear: if
accurately remembered by Schwarz, Epstein's comment about
the Wagnerian pedigree of the music he heard might suggest that Mahler may have
presented extracts from
Herzog Ernst von Schwaben, the opera
on which he had recently been working. Even if Mahler did
not take a portfolio of his own piano music with him to
Vienna in September 1875, he had
undoubtedly composed a number of works for the instrument since his early