31r |
[61] |
A |
stitched and glued onto 30v and 33r |
31v |
Blue crayon rehearsal 28 at b. 311 |
32r |
32v |
[64] |
33r |
A |
Blue crayon rehearsal 29 at b. 328.
Bifolio not stitched but glued to 32v and 35r |
33v |
[66] |
34r |
Blue crayon rehearsal 30 at b. 336 |
34v |
Blue crayon rehearsal 31 at b. 340 |
35r |
A |
Bifolio not stitched but glued to 34v |
35v |
70 |
Blue crayon rehearsal 32 at b. 351 |
36r |
71 |
36v |
[7]2 |
Blue crayon rehearsal 33 at b. 361. |
37r |
7[3] |
A |
Bifolio not stitched but glued to 39r |
37v |
[7]4 |
Blue crayon rehearsal 34 at b. 371 |
38r |
75 |
38v |
76 |
39r |
77 |
A |
Blue crayon rehearsal 35 at
b. 386. Bifolio not stitched but glued to 41r |
39v |
[7]8 |
40r |
79 |
Blue crayon rehearsal 36 at b. 399 |
40v |
[8]0 |
41r |
A |
Bifolio stitched and glued to 40v
and 43r |
41v |
[82] |
Blue crayon rehearsal 37 at b. 412 |
42r |
42v |
43r |
[85] |
A |
Folio glued to 42v |
43v |
86 |
Blue crayon rehearsal 38 at 86.5 |
44r |
Folio detatched |
44v |
88 |
Blue crayon rehearsal 39 at 88.3; 88.1-5
del in red crayon; 88.2-5 del. in blue crayon |
45r |
894 |
A |
89.1-2 del. in red crayon; 89.1-4 del. in blue
crayon. Bifolio not stitched, glued to 47r |
45v |
90 |
46r |
91 |
46v |
92 |
Blue crayon rehearsal 40 at 92.3 |
47r |
93 |
A |
Bifolio stitched and glued to 46v
and 49r |
47v |
[94] |
Blue crayon rehearsal 41 at 94.1 |
48r |
[95] |
Blue crayon rehearsal 42 at 95.4 |
48v |
[9]6 |
49r |
97 |
A |
Blue crayon rehearsal 43 at 97.2.
Bifolio not stitched but glued to 48v and 49r |
49v |
98 |
50r |
[99] |
Blue crayon rehearsal 44 at 99.2 |
50v |
Blue crayon rehearsal 45 at 100.3 |
51r |
101 |
A |
Bifolio not stitched but glued to 50v |
51v |
102 |
Blue crayon rehearsal 46 at 102.3.
102.4-7 deleted in blue crayon |
52r |
10[3] |
Blue crayon rehearsal 47 at 103.5.
103.3-5 deleted in blue crayon |
52v |
[10]4 |
53r |
105 |
A |
Bifolio detached, but originally glued to 55r |
53v |
[1]06 |
Blue crayon rehearsal 48 at 106.3 |
54r |
10[7] |
[Blue crayon, at end of the page:] Einlage |
54v |
[10]8 |
Blue crayon rehearsal 49 at 108.2. Whole
page crossed through in red crayon |
55r |
A |
Bifolio not stitched but glued to 57r.
109.1-2 crossed through in red crayon [N.B. fol. 55-60
form a detached gathering]. |
55v |
Blue crayon rehearsal 50 at 110.2.
110.2-5 crossed through in pencil and red crayon |
56r |
Whole page crossed through in pencil and red
crayon |
56v |
[1]12 |
Blue crayon rehearsal 51 at 112.3.
112.3-5 crossed through in pencil and red crayon |
57r |
A |
Blue crayon rehearsal 52 at 113.6.
Bifolio not stitched but glued to 56v and 59r. |
57v |
[1]14 |
58r |
58v |
116 |
Blue crayon rehearsal 53 at 116.2 |
59r |
A |
Bifolio not stitched but glued to 58v |
59v |
Blue crayon rehearsal 54 at 118.4 = b.
574 |
60r |
60v |
[120] |
61r |
121 |
A |
Blue crayon rehearsal 55 at b. 588.
Bifolio not stitched but glued to 63r |
61v |
Blue crayon rehearsal 56 at b. 597 |
62r |
123 |
62v |
124 |
Blue crayon rehearsal 57 at b. 607 |
63r |
125 |
A |
Folio not stitched but glued to 62v |
63v |
64r |
127 |
Blue crayon rehearsal 58 at b. 623.
Folio not stitched but glued to 65r |
64v |
128 |
65r |
129 |
A |
Bifolio not stitched but glued to 67r |
65v |
[1]30 |
66r |
131 |
Blue crayon rehearsal 59 at b. 639 |
66v |
132 |
67r |
133 |
B |
Blue crayon rehearsal 60 at b. 649.
Bifolio not stitched but glued to 66v |
67v |
Blue crayon rehearsal 61 at b. 657 |
68r |
135 |
68v |
136 |
Blue crayon rehearsal 62 at b. 671.
Paste over (≠ paper A or B) over fl, ob, cl parts in bb. 670-1³ |
69r |
Bifolio not stitched but glued to 71r.
Paste over (≠ paper A or B) over fl, ob, cl parts in bb.
672-7³ |
69v |
138 |
Blue crayon rehearsal 63 at b. 679. |
70r |
139 |
70v |
140 |
71r |
A |
Blue crayon rehearsal 64 at b. 696.
Bifolio was stitched (now detatched) and glued to 70v
and 73r |
71v |
72r |
Blue crayon rehearsal 65 at b. 712 |
72v |
144 |
73r |
Blue crayon rehearsal 66 at b. 718.
Bifolio stitched and glued to 72v |
73v |
Blue crayon rehearsal 66 at b. 727 |
74r |
147 |
Music ends |
74v |
Blank |
Einlage These three
autograph bifolios are loose at the end of the bound volume, and
are numbered in red crayon. They provide an Einlage but
do not pick up from the end of fol. 54r (which
has the blue crayon note Einlage), but rather from the
end of 53r which has a prominent red crayon cross
that clearly relates to the similar cross at the start of 75r
(there are red crayon additions to the music text in the last
bar of 53r which facilitate the join). The first 17
bars reorchestrate the corresponding bars on fol. 53r-54r,
while the remaining 36 bars replace the passage of 8 bars
deleted on fol. 54v-55r. (See
SMFS, 120-1 for a
discussion of this passage.)
The text is in black ink with bar lines ruled in pencil. The
fact that these bifolios show no evidence of having been
stitched or glued suggest that this revision may have been
effected after the binding of the score.
Folio No. |
Sig. No. |
Paper Type |
75r |
1 |
C |
music starts |
75v |
76r |
A pencil X marks the point at which the new
music begins |
76v |
77r |
2 |
C |
77v |
78r |
78v |
79r |
3 |
C |
Music ends |
79v |
Blank |
80r |
Blank |
80v |
Blank |