2 folios (not conjugates): 1r1
= auf probieren in dass Lόcke
1r23 = 2 bars: unidentified theme in
E , 12/8
1r34 = vor der Fugato mit den
verkόrzte Gegenthema
1r56 = [....] then 2 bars (= opening
theme of the Eighth Symphony)
1r67 = 2 bars, deleted (unidentified)
1r89 = 5 bars, key signature ambiguous
but 3 or 4 sharps, 3/4; labelled above stave 8, Adagio VII;
beneath stave 9, bottom LH corner, red crayon:
1v12 = 6 bars, probably a continuation
of 1r89; its continuation is on
1v45 = 8 bars + melodic variant
on 1v6
= 7 bars; a connecting
pencil line suggests this may be a possible continuation after
b. 6 of 1v45; its continuation appears to
be on 2r89
2r12 = 5 bars, with alternatives for
bb. 1 and 3 on 2r34; probably a
continuation of 1v12; its continuation is
unclear, despite a faint connecting pencil line from the last
bar, the destination of which is unfortunately unclear
2r34 = 2 bars alternatives to bb. 1, 3
on 2r12
2r56 = 1 bar
2r89 = 3 bars, continuation of 1v89
2v13 = 6 bars; not an obvious
continuation of other systems, but related to 1v89
2v46 = 3 bars in 4/4 and using flats:
related to the opening theme of the Eighth Symphony. Curiously
this is included within the red crayon border (see notes), yet
is unrelated to the other material enclosed by Mahler.