A Cartoon of Mahler



Symphony No. 2

From autograph full score to ACF1


Provisional stemma





This diagram seeks to summarize the stemmatic relationships between the main surviving and lost sources (the sigla of the latter are enclosed in square brackets). Subscript letters are used to distinguish between layers of revision and correction in individual sources.

A summary of the conventions employed in such stemmatic diagrams is available.

To view details of a source click on the siglum on the image.

To view this page you will need to set your browser to accept Java, and a screen resolution of at least 955 x 600.






Link to the description of AF1 Link to the description of ACF1

Graphic: a diagrem outlining the stemmatic connections between the various layers of copying and revisions in Symphony 1, AF2 and ACF1

Level A conformance icon, Creative Commons Licence

© 2007 Paul Banks | This page was lasted edited on 04 March 2019