Symphony No. 2
Autograph full score -
Current location unknown
First movement
Second movement
movement Scherzo
Fourth movement
Fifth movement
Back to AF2 description
Symphony No. 2
Manuscript sources
Symphony No. 2 Main page
Catalogue Homepage
1 |
Editorial folio
numbers reflecting present arrangement.
2 |
The fascicle numbers
are autograph.
3 |
Pencil foliation
(probably Weidig?).
4 |
The bar numbers
are those of the published edition.
5 |
For a an extensive, complementary commentary,
see NKGII.2,
3031, 11920. |
6 |
Possibly notes for the casting-off of Behn's
two-piano arrangement (see the main description of
AF2). |
7 |
This relates to a passage, bb. 97ff. the text
of which remains problematic: Mahler's original intention
was that at the start vn II should be muted, but that when
they enter at b. 109, vn I would be unmuted; Behn was
probably asking whether, when they re-enter at b. 111, vn II
should also be unmuted.
does not require the removal of the mutes at that point, but
PS all the violins are unmuted throughout the passage. See NKGII.2,
78; 122, 178 for a discussion of this issue. |
8 |
This relates to a controversial pitch in the
timpani part: Mahler's F was clearly what he intended. See
PBM2 and NKGII.2,
31, 81; 120, 181. |
9 |
Behn seems to have been worried about the
spelling of the second pitch in the tenor part:

Mahler's notation was retained. |
10 |
The natural in the violin part has been added
to the violin part in blue crayon. |
Fol.Ή |
Page no.² |
Foliation³ |
Paper Type |
Bar Nos⁴ |
Commentary⁵ |
79r |
1 |
B |
15 |
Top LH corner, blue crayon (aut.): Nro 5 |
79v |
614 |
End of b. 14, pencil, Behn:
S.1 (15);⁶ bottom LH corner, pencil,
Behn: Wo bleibt
Tamtam? |
80r |
1525 |
80v |
2631 |
of b. 30, Pencil, Behn: S.2 (15) |
81r |
2 |
B |
3239 |
81v |
4054 |
Ink: Der Rufer in der Wόste!
; end of b. 46, pencil, Behn: S.3 (5.5.6) |
82r |
5561 |
End of b. 61, pencil, Behn (not
visible in
S.4 (15) |
82v |
6177 |
83r |
3 |
B |
7884 |
End of b. 79, pencil, Behn: S.5 (18) |
83v |
8596 |
Bottom LH corner, pencil, Behn:
Z. 1: Abschl Bc?; end of b. 96 , pencil, Behn:
S.6 (5.6.6) / Z 2: Abschl Pk? |
84r |
97118 |
End of b. 100, pencil, Behn:
100T; start of b. 111, pencil, Behn: ? o. Dpfr⁷ |
84v |
119128 |
End of b. 120, pencil, Behn:
S.7 (24) |
85r |
4 |
B |
129139 |
85v |
140159 |
End of b. 141,
pencil, Behn:
S.8 (21); below b. 150 (referring to the third
trombone part), pencil, Behn:
3; at end of b. 154, pencil, Behn (referring to string
86r |
90 |
160167 |
End of b. 161, pencil, Behn:
S.9 (7.6.7) |
86v |
168172 |
87r |
5 |
B |
173178 |
End of b. 176, pencil, Behn: S.10 (15) |
87v |
179184 |
88r |
185193 |
End of b. 193, pencil, Behn:
S.11 (5.5.7) |
88v |
194198 |
89r |
6 |
B |
199204 |
End of b. 200, pencil, Behn: 200T |
89v |
205210 |
End of b. 209,
pencil, Behn: S.12 (6.5.5) |
90r |
211218 |
90v |
219225 |
End of b. 225, pencil, Behn:
S.13 (5.5.6) |
91r |
7 |
B |
226233 |
91v |
234241 |
End of b. 235, pencil, Behn: S.14 (18) |
92r |
242249 |
92v |
250258 |
Below b. 257, pencil, Behn:
I Tr
Des |
93r |
8 |
B |
259265 |
End of b. 261, pencil, Behn:
S.15 (18); below b. 263, pencil, Behn: Vc Cb as? |
93v |
266273 |
94r |
274280 |
End of b. 279,
pencil, Behn: S.16 (18) |
94v |
281286 |
95r |
9 |
B |
287292 |
95v |
293298 |
End of b. 294, pencil, Behn:
S.17 (15); below b. 295 (related to vc and cb), pencil,
96r |
100 |
299304 |
End of b. 300, pencil, Behn:
300T; below b. 304 (related to vc and cb), pencil,
96v |
305310 |
End of b. 306, pencil, Behn:
S.18 (15) |
97r |
10 |
B |
311316 |
97v |
317324 |
End of b. 324, pencil, Behn:
S.19 (15) |
98r |
325342 |
At foot of the page (relates to b. 330), pencil,
Z. 1
Pke es;⁸ end
of b. 342, pencil, Behn: S.20 (18) |
98v |
343348 |
99r |
11 |
B |
349354 |
99v |
355362 |
End of b. 361, pencil, Behn:
S.21 (6.6.7) |
100r |
363370 |
Below b. 364 (related to vc and
cb) pencil, Behn: deletes a superfluous crotchet rest |
100v |
371378 |
101r |
12 |
B |
379384 |
End of b. 379, pencil, Behn:
S.22 (18) End of b. 382, pencil, Behn: ½=382T
101v |
385392 |
102r |
393399 |
End of b. 395, pencil, Behn:
S.23 (15) |
102v |
400407 |
End of b. 400,
pencil, Behn: 400T |
103r |
13 |
B |
408417 |
End of b. 409, pencil, Behn: S.24 (15) |
103v |
418427 |
End of b. 427, pencil, Behn:
S.25 (18) |
104r |
428437 |
104v |
438448 |
Below b. 439, pencil,
Behn: Hn ces st c?, end of b. 447, pencil, Behn:
S.26 (6.6.8) |
105r |
14 |
B |
449462 |
Ink: Der grosse Apell;
pencil, end of b. 461, pencil, Behn: S.27 (67.5.2) |
105v |
463471 |
106r |
110 |
472476 |
End of b. 473, pencil, Behn:
S.28 (4.2.4) |
106v |
477491 |
107r |
15 |
B |
492497 |
107v |
498503 |
End of b. 500, pencil, Behn:
500T |
108r |
504511 |
108v |
512531 |
109r |
16 |
B |
532538 |
Below b. 533, pencil, Behn:
query⁹ |
109v |
539546 |
110r |
547554 |
110v |
555561 |
111r |
17 |
B |
562585 |
End of b. 568, pencil, Behn:
113 |
111v |
586605 |
End of b. 586, pencil, Behn: 114; below b. 590, pencil,
Behn: Z. 1 T.5
/ Vl II
vor gΉ⁰
End of b. 600, pencil, Behn: 600T
End of b. 601, pencil, Behn: 115
112r |
606622 |
End of b. 615, pencil, ?Weidig:
Pg 42 / gstzt 38? [reading conjectural] End of b. 615,
pencil, Behn: 116
[Below b. 616, pencil, ?Behn:] Zei. 3 soll bei [?] / Sopr solo.
112v |
623632 |
End of b. 632, pencil, Behn:
Alt allein |
113r |
18 |
B |
633648 |
End of b. 646, pencil, Behn:
Z. 1 T.6 Solo & Alt
vor ges |
113v |
649658 |
From this point onwards some pages
bear a very faint pencil pagination commencing (here) at 71 |
114r |
659667 |
End of b. 660, pencil, Behn:
Vl I & II
vor cBelow b. 664, pencil, Behn: Br Vc
vor as
114v |
668675 |
115r |
19 |
B |
676683 |
115v |
684689 |
116r |
120 |
690695 |
Paste over, probably paper type
A, predates violet ink and blue crayon layers |
116v |
696705 |
End of b. 700, pencil, Behn: 700T |
117r |
20 |
B |
706714 |
Main text in violet from here to
end. |
117v |
715722 |
118r |
723731 |
118v |
732739 |
119r |
21 |
B |
740751 |
119v |
752759 |
120r |
124 |
760764 |
Foliation not visible in
GMS2Fac [At end, violet ink:] Beendigt am / Dienstag,
den 18. Dezember / 1894 / zu Hamburg.
120v |
Blank |